Over the last 15 years, Wired Production Group has proudly supported the Prairie School Foundation’s efforts through sponsorship and volunteerism with its annual fundraising events. In 2024, Wired Production Group was honored to support the foundation by providing video production services as part of its donor relations programming. Additionally, our Wired staff has been able to volunteer for Prairie School Foundation events, including the Annual Golf Challenge and Prairie Fest. 

Logo of the Prairie School Foundation

What is the Prairie School Foundation?

The Prairie School Foundation, established in 1981, was initially recognized as Iowa’s first public school foundation. Their mission is to collaborate for sustained success in education and work together for a better tomorrow. They serve approximately 6,000 students across Linn, Benton, and Johnson counties enrolled in the College Community School District, ranging from preschool-age students to high school seniors. The Prairie School Foundation hosts various events throughout the year to raise funds for education. The foundation works with schools to determine classroom needs, such as equipment and materials, and enrich extracurricular activities. 

Prairie Fest

The Prairie Fest annual event was held earlier this year with the theme of “Prairie’s Got Talent.” The festival featured a talent show, a live auction, and a silent auction. Prairie Fest 2024 brought in over $65,000 for the Prairie Kids Fund! These funds raised will purchase materials, programs, and equipment for Prairie students. The event also brought in an additional $17,500 for the “Bucks for Books” campaign to help provide every elementary student with a take-home “forever book.” Donations exceeded Prairie Foundation’s initial goal of $10,000, allowing each kid to bring home two books.

In 2024, Wired Production Group donated staff and audio and video equipment to support Prairie Fest at Hotel Kirkwood in Cedar Rapids. Before the event, Wired worked with the Prairie School Foundation to write, shoot, and edit a video for the foundation to share at the event. This video will live on as a visual in the foundation’s marketing strategy. 

Prairie Hawk Golf Challenge

The Annual Prairie Hawk Golf Challenge takes place in the summer months before school resumes each year. August 2024 was the 12th year of this event. It has become quite popular amongst golf enthusiasts and businesses across Eastern Iowa. Golfers can participate in competitions such as longest drive, closest to the pin, and longest putt. Participants expect to find games throughout the course and may even encounter Golf Heckler comedians – all while supporting the Prairie School Foundation. After a fun day on the green, golfers can retreat to the clubhouse for snacks, sandwiches, and refreshments. Thanks to the great support of area businesses and organizations, there is a special raffle at the end of the day where participants can win various prizes. All proceeds from this annual golf outing directly benefit Prairie students with classroom supplies and program funding.

How to Support the Prairie School Foundation

To show your support of the Prairie School Foundation, you can contribute as an event attendee or financial contributor. With the wide variety of events hosted annually by the foundation, your small time commitment as an attendee can make a big impact! You can find a complete list of upcoming events on their website event calendar. If you prefer to show your support through a financial contribution, your donation can be made via cash or check with a printable form. Online donations are accepted via cash or card. The foundation encourages participating in your employer’s matching gift programs if your employer is a participant. A list of companies in Eastern Iowa that may participate in a matching gift opportunity can be found online.

To learn more about the Prairie School Foundation and show your support of Prairie students, please visit their website.