A Special Message from Wired Production Group CEO, Ron Rausch
Time seems to move faster every year. I feel like I just finished writing my 2023 reflection, and yet here we are with another year behind us.

This year has again taken us from coast to coast for many exciting video projects and events. Some of our team’s favorite memories in 2024 were logged across the hundreds of thousands of miles we traveled. We were fortunate to work with award-winning country music artist Cody Johnson and support his tour for a third year, taking us to 30 cities alone in 2024. We worked with many colleges and universities, producing campaign launches, closes, and roadshows for their respective foundations. Our corporate customers brought us along for projects across the United States from Florida to California, with product launches, leadership meetings, tradeshows, and conventions. Our entertainment group worked on many fairs and festivals throughout the Midwest. Every day at WPG is something different, and no two client projects are the same. While sometimes this daily change is challenging, it’s also exciting because we get to be a part of some pretty awesome stuff.

I am incredibly thankful for our staff at Wired. They truly make this a great place to work. Every day, I wake up excited to work with people I respect and count on to make our clients successful. Their creative ideas and ability to execute every event and video project our clients throw at them truly blows me away. I am constantly reminded of just how impressive this group of humans is, and for that, I want to take this time to thank all of them. I also want to thank their families for the support and sacrifices they make every week, as it’s not easy with their loved ones being away for days at a time. Our families are the ones shouldering the work at home while our staff is away pursuing their careers and dreams.
I also want to thank my own family. Without the support and love of my wife, Molly, and my seven kiddos, I would not be able to do what I do and support my team.
To our customers, thank you for trusting us – especially when we come up with some crazy idea, and you go with it! Thank you for the opportunities to build long-term relationships that have lasted for 25 years. Thank you for allowing us to be partners in your event and video adventures.

To our community, we are thankful to live and work in a city with many amazing things to offer. I am often reminded of how our employees engage with the community both inside and outside of work. Whether that’s through our Wired Gives Back support of nonprofits as a team or through our staff supporting our city of Cedar Rapids in other ways outside of the workday, I am filled with gratitude. Our employees support our efforts to help make Cedar Rapids a wonderful place to live, work, and play. This year alone, we contributed over $165,000 in charitable donations and over 1,400 hours of volunteer time to nonprofits in our community. We just wrapped up the Toys for Tots season, and I’m excited to jump into new partnerships within our Wired Gives Back program next year.
It’s hard to believe that I will celebrate my 25th year in this business next year. As we welcome 2025, I can’t wait to see what new and exciting adventures lie ahead. Stay tuned for a summer celebration at our office to take stock of our growth and accomplishments over the past 25 years and look forward to the next 25.
Happy holidays,