Event Planners: 3 Tips For Event Planners To Maximize Stage Design in Small Spaces

Most event planners have to work within a budget for their event. It makes sense for you to be cost conscious when you decide where to host the event as well as how you produce it. If you are working with a small stage space, there are several ways to make your stage appear much bigger than it really is. Here are some stage design ideas for your next event production:

1. Create depth with pipe and drape.

Your options are endless with pipe and drape! It’s easy. It’s inexpensive. And it works! To keep your stage from looking too boring, consider using pipe and drape in a color that compliment the event space you are in. Set it up in a way that provides angles that create shadows. Use your lighting design to coordinate with the angles when you set up.

Use pipe and drape in small stage spaces

2. Stages are primarily lighting design.

When you utilize strategic lighting displays for your stage, you can eliminate the need for a larger stage set up overall. You can avoid big, bulky lighting fixtures by using lightweight LED lighting gear to keep the space looking light and bright. Enhance the mood and engage your guests with a brightly lit stage design to create a big impact in a smaller space. You may also want to consider using LED screen technology to convey an impressive display of color to engage your attendees.

Use LED Screen Technology For Stage Lighting

3. Consider your event space and audience size.

With the audio visual equipment, staging and seating, even a decent-sized space can look fairly small when you get everyone — and everything — in the room. It’s best to consider your event set up and stage design based on the size of your audience before you book your venue. If at all possible, consider using a venue that has existing decor that works with your event theme or a venue with a blank wall space so you can use a projector to display on the blank wall (instead of having to bring a screen.)

Stage design may seem like a small part of your next big (or small!) event production, but setting up your stage properly can either make your event look professional — or not. Consider hiring a professional event management company to help you with staging and lighting logistics.